200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in India
200 hour Yoga Teacher Training in India. Vishwa Shanti Yoga - Rishikesh Offers Residential Intensive Affordable RYS 200 Hour Yoga Alliance certification

Duration | 25 Days |
Language: | Hindi/English |
Module: | Residential with Meals |
Level: | Beginner to Intermediate |
Certification: | Yoga Alliance |
Style:: | Hatha Yoga |
Date:: | Every Month |
200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Rishikesh
Affordable intensive residential 200 hour Yoga Alliance USA accrediated yoga teacher training in Rishikesh with Rys 200 Vishwa Shanti Yoga School - international yoga instructor certification course in India for beginners to intermediate to advanced level yoga practitioners who want to deepen their knowledge in hatha yoga and become professional yoga teacher. This intensive residential Yoga instructor course systematically prepares individuals to teach traditional Hatha yoga to general population so that they can apply the knowledge and skill for physical, mental and emotional well being. Our 200 hour Hatha Yoga at Vishwa Shanti Yoga School targets beginners to intermediate level yoga practitioners who may or may not have prior knowledge and experience of yoga. Advanced level yoga practitioners who want to gain Yoga Alliance USA RYT 200 certification and also boost their understanding of yoga philosophy and yoga anatomy and physiology can join this course. If you plan to become a certified yoga instructor in Rishikesh, we recommend you to come with an open mind to accommodate with Indian lifestyle and daily yogic activities at the school.
200 Hour Residential Yoga
Yoga Teacher Training
in Rishikesh
Our 25 Days 200 hour hatha YTTC course is designed to deeply root traditional Hatha yoga education in beginners and intermediate level yoga practitioners so as they become able to teach yoga to wider population after completion of the course. In practical classes of yoga asana, pranayama, meditation and cleansing, students get opportunity to learn about their own body. You will learn alignment and adjustment from early days, these classes offer you understanding on the scope and limitations of your practice so you don’t strain your muscles and ligaments and avoid injuries. This crucial learning will be your asset while teaching yoga to others.
Take a look at the amazing features & ask yourself the question?
200 Hour Yoga TTC in Rishikesh
Course Date 2022 - 2023
Date | Early Bird Offer Fee | Actual Fee |
02 Sep to 26 Sep 2022 | $1400 | $1600 |
07 Oct to 02 Nov 2022 | $1400 | $1600 |
04 Nov to 28 Nov 2022 | $1400 | $1600 |
02 Dec to 26 Dec 2022 | $1400 | $1600 |
06 Jan to 30 Jan 2023 | $1400 | $1600 |
03 Feb to 27 Feb 2023 | $1400 | $1600 |
03 Mar to 27 Mar 2023 | $1400 | $1600 |
07 Apr to 01 May 2023 | $1400 | $1600 |
05 May to 29 May 2023 | $1400 | $1600 |
02 Jun to 26 Jun 2023 | $1400 | $1600 |
05 July to 31 July 2023 | $1400 | $1600 |
04 Aug to 28 Aug 2023 | $1400 | $1600 |
01 Sep to 25 Sep 2023 | $1400 | $1600 |
06 Oct to 30 Oct 2023 | $1400 | $1600 |
03 Nov to 27 Nov 2023 | $1400 | $1600 |
01 Dec to 25 Dec 2023 | $1400 | $1600 |
Time | Activity |
06:30 - 08:00 | -- Pranayama/ Meditation / Mantra Chanting |
08:30 - 10:15 | -- Asana Practice Ashtanga Vinyasa Mysore Style or Led Class |
10:30 - 12:00 | -- Breakfast / Brunch / Free Time / Study Time |
12:00 - 13:30 | -- Yoga Principles / Philosophy / Yoga Sutra Lectures |
14:00 - 15:00 | -- Yoga Nidra Meditation / Rest Time / Free time / Refreshing time |
15:00 - 16:00 | -- Workshop / Study Time / Guest Lecturers |
16:00 - 18:00 | -- Asana practice / Art of Adjustment / Body Alignment |
18:30 - 19:30 | -- Dinner Time |
19:30 - 20:30 | -- Rest Time / Free Time / Study Time |
20:30 - 21:30 | -- Silence Meditation |
20:30 - 21:30 | -- Mauna / Silence |
200 Hour Yoga TTC Syllabus
Our 200 hour Hatha yoga teacher training course is challenging in terms of asanas and life changing in terms of the thorough knowledge of Pranayama, Yoga Nidra and meditation, alignment and adjustment, and the Kriyas it puts into the practitioner.
Shatkarma is also known as Shatkriyas which is a cleansing process of internal organs for a healthy body. Shatkarmas cure diseases and prepare the body for asanas and pranayama. Shatkarma drives from the Sanskrit Language with root words: Shat and Karma, where Shat means ‘Six’ and Karma means ‘ Kriya’.
At Vishwa Shanti Yoga, we include the practice of different netis and kriyas to remove the student's toxins and anything blocking the flow of prana in the body. It leads to the student's body is strong, clean, and healthy.
• Jala Neti
• Sutra Neti
• Vaman Dhuti
• Agnisara Kriya
• Vatkrama
• Vyutkrama
• Sheetkarma Varisara (Shankhaprakshalana)
Breathing Techniques (Pranayama)
Pranayama is a breathing technique that promotes physical and mental wellness. Pranayama is an ancient breath control technique that originated from yogic practices in India. It involves controlling your breath in many ways and by varying its length and speed.
The Pranayama is driven from the Sanskrit language and it has two separate words: “prana” and “ayama” where prana means ‘breath’ and ayama means ‘expansion. Pranayama works wonders in improving the overall health and the function of all the vital organs within the body. Different pranayama techniques have different effects on the body and mind, these are all we learned in pranayama classes at Vishwa Shanti Yoga.
In Vishwa Shanti Yoga, during Pranayama sessions the students will engage in a range of deep breathing techniques under the guidance of the course instructors, which includes the following techniques as follows:
• Kapalabhati
• Bhastrika
• Chandra Bhedan
• Sheetkari
• Nadi Shodhana
• Ujjayi
• Bhramari
• Yogic Breathing
• Anuloma Viloma
• Surya Bhedan
• Sheetali
• Spinal Breathing
Yoga Philosophy Sessions
Yoga is like any other subject that relies on Philosophy fundamentals without a philosophy yoga is like a body without consciousness.
Vishwa Shanti Yoga's Philosophy classes are conducted in an interactive environment where the process not only to teaches the students how to form questions but also helps them find answers regarding mundane, emotional, and spiritual life.
The key outcome of this process is improvement in interpersonal communicational skills that allows for a more refined understanding of life's events and a more satisfying experience for students.
• Foundations of Yoga
• History and tradition of Yoga
• Karma Yoga
• Tantra Yoga
• Bhakti Yoga
• Jnana yoga
• Mantra Yoga
• Relevance of Omkara in Yoga System
• Anataomy and physiology of Yogic practices
• Textual Understanding of Hatha Yoga
• From Hathayogapradipika and gheranda Samhita
• Pancha Pranas
• Chakras
• Concept of kundalini
• Patanjali Yoga Sutras
• Hatha yoga of patanjali
• What is yoga? Yoga chitta vritti Nirodha Yoga Sutras 1.2
• Vrittis (mental fluctuations) and their classification
• Goal of Hatha Yoga
• Pranayama
• Factors that accelerate yoga sadhana
Anatomy Physiology & Psychology
The modern understanding of the human body has made this ancient wisdom of Yoga relevant in today's world. We can observe and evaluate many of the hypotheses of Yoga for their health benefits.
In Vishwa Shanti Yoga students learn about many of the hypotheses of Yoga by taking anatomy classes.
General understanding of the Human organism with its different systems
The emphasis on Nervous, Musculoskeletal and Respiratory system
Role of immunity and the practices to enhance its functioning
Benefits and contraindications of Yoga practices
Asana Sessions
• Vajrasana
• Druta Utkatasana
• Dhanurasana
• Sirshasana
• Vyaghrasana Pose
• Ardh Chandrasana
• Sirsha Angustha Yogasna
• Santolanasana
• Tiryaka Tadasana
• Bhujangasana
• Sarvangasana
• Poorna Bhujangasana
• Trikonasana
• Janu Sirshasana
• Chakrasana
• Marjari Asana
• Surya Namaskar
• Ardha Padma Paschimattasana
• Crane Pose
• Tadasana
• Lalasana
• Ardha Masyendrasana
• Simbagarjanasana
• Dwikonasana
• Paschimattanasana
• Eka Padasana
• Ushtrasana
• Yogamudrasana
• Mayurasana
• Poorna Dhanusasana
• Supta Vajrasana
• Matsyasana
• Bhu Namaskarasana
• Salamba Sarvangasana
• Simbagarjanasana
• Sama Konasana
• Setu Asana
• Natarjasana
• Ushtrasana Half
• Shashankasana
• Eka Padattanasana
• Poorna Bhujangasana
• Kati Chakarasana
• Shalabhasana
• Halasana
• Savasana
Yoga Alignment
What is alignment and why it is important?
What is flat feet and high arch and how to cure it by yoga
What is knock knee and bow knee and how to cure it by yoga
How to improve bad posture by yoga
What is perfect alignment of Standing , Sitting and sleeping Asana
Alignment of sun salutation of hatha yoga and ashtanga vinyasa yoga
And how to use yoga props to improve asana
Alignment of Hatha Yoga including finishing sequence
How to improve teaching skills
Meditation Sessions
Meditation is a simple practice of putting the your mind aside, and reaching to witness which is always there but hidden underneath the mind.Once you have reached your center become enlightened.
At Vishwa Shanti Yoga, meditation classes teach students how to use mantras to develop an inner space for a meditational journey by using these mantras. Mantras have been traditionally used to focus the mind and liberate it from its limitations. It is believed that the traditional hypothesis of Mantra is very similar to the science of sound, rhythm, and its relationship with silence & Consciousness Mantras are of two types one without the meanings and the other with meanings, without the meaning called seed or Beej mantra, these are the most powerful sounds of manifestation.
• Self-observation on many levels either guided or by self
• Learning the skill of how to guide students
• The connection between breath and meditative state.
• Yog Nidra from beginners to advance level
Teaching Methodology
Teaching Methology is the core of a teacher’s training program that is how to teach. The teaching methology is all about creating an environment where learning takes place without any hindrance.
At Vishwa Shanti Yoga, teaching methodology sessions is to fulfills the need of its participants to grow as Yoga Teachers step by step in a systematic manner by developing the sequential self-practice to ultimately guide others as efficient instructors or Yoga Teachers.
These session involves the practise of as follows:
• Ethical guidelines for a Yoga Teacher
• Lesson plan and Sequencing of practices
• Class management to the observation
• Art of Demonstrations, Assistance and correction
• Concept of Alignment, at all the possible levels
Mantra Sessions
A mantra also known as mantram is a group of words in Sanskrit languages believed by practitioners to have religious, magical, or spiritual powers. Mantra is traditionally related to the science of sound, rhythm, and its relationship with silence & Consciousness. Mantras are of two types one without the meanings and the other with meanings, without the meaning called seed or Beej mantra, these are the most powerful sounds of manifestation. Traditionally, mantras are used to concentrate and ultimately liberate the mind from its limitations.
At Vishwa Shanti Yoga in mantra classes, participants will learn how to develop an inner space for a meditational journey by using these mantras. Also in Mantra sessions, Vishwa Shanti Yoga teachers will guide the participants step by step to unveil their own source of potentialities, and later on, they can use these experiences in their own teachings.
• Mantras with their respective voice modulations
• To awaken hidden aspects of the human organism
• And lately, this grows as the complete transformation or Self-realization.
Yoga Course Includes
• Yoga Mats and Props
• Clean and well-ventilated yoga hall for practice and study
• Hygienic and pure food ( Satvic food)
• Boarding and lodging
• Each student will be offered a private room with hot shower and Wi-Fi access to each room.
• Garden for students resting.
About Vishwa Shanti Yoga

We believe in sharing the Ashtanga yoga system in a way that brings proper balance between the bodies, minds and souls of our students so that they may bring more happiness, stability, and peace into their lives.
Our Status in Numbers
Happy Students
Vishwa Shanti Yoga has completed 700 students and more than 40 countries of the world.
Years of Experience
Vishwa Shanti Yoga is the first and Oldest Hatha Yoga School in Rishikesh and the only yoga school located on the banks of the Ganges
Students Satisfied
More then 457+ Satisfied Yoga Student.
More Then 565+ Reviews