Ayurveda and Yoga Therapies to Control Diabetes
Diabetes is one of the most common diseases in Eastern world. In this article, we discuss on causes, types, symptoms along with Ayurveda and Yoga Therapies to Control Diabetes with home remedies that you should follow. Diabetes is a group of metabolic diseases - the person has high blood glucose (sugar). This can be the caused either by inadequate insulin production or the body cells might not be responding properly to insulin, or both. The basic symptoms are frequent urination (polyuria), incresased thirst (polydipsia) and hunger (polyphagia).
Types of Diabetes
Type 1 Diabetes
are insulin-dependent whose body does not produce insulin and they need to take insulin injections all their life. They should follow a special diet and ensure proper blood glucose levels. They carry regular blood tests. Type 1 diabetes cases are approximately 10%. Type 2 diabetes are those whose cells do not respond to insulin or the body does not produce enough insulin for proper function. Those who suffer this type diabetes should follow healthy diet, exercise, loose weight to control the symptoms and monitor blood glucose levels. The problem worsens with time and patient will be prescribed insulin tablet - this is forever.
Risk groups (for type 2 diabetes)
Overweight and obese people - People with a lot of visceral fat, also known as central obesity, belly fat, or abdominal obesity Drinking just one can of (non-diet) soda per day can raise our risk of developing type 2 diabetes by 22% [Journal Diabetologia, Imperial College London
Sugary soft drinks
Gestational Diabetes: Diagnosed during pregnancy, this type of diabetes can be checked by exercise and diet. 10%-20% even need to take medications that control blood-glucose. If undiagnosed, this may lead to complications during childbirth.
Symptoms of Diabetes
1. Polydipsia
2. Polyphagia
3. Lethargy
4. Stupor
5. Blurred vision
6. Smell of acetone from breath
7. Weight loss
8. Kussmaul breathing (hyper ventilation) in resperatory system
9. Grastritis symptoms - nausea vomiting, abdominal pain
10. Paolyuria
11. Glycosuria
Ayurveda and Yoga Therapies to Control Diabetes
Diet Therapy: Plan your diet. Avoid diet that increases kapha dosha. Maintain proper spacing between food intake. Barly, varee, mung, kulittha, chickpeas, old rice, bitter gourd, dodaka, dudhee gourd are recommended. Roasted rice and wheat are more useful.
Yoga Therapy: Implement yoga, improve functions of liver, pancreas ad digestive system; and reduce stress. Along with pranayama, meditation and kriyas, following asanas help - Merudantasna (utthitapadasana), Vipareeta karani Mudra, Pavanamuktasana, Dhanurasana, Vajrasana, Kati Chakrasana, Udhva Hstottansana, Pada hastasana, Trikonasana, Matsyasana, Shavasana, Bhujangasana, Ardha Matsyndrasana, Ushtrasana, Paschimottanasana, Vakrasana, Surya Namaskar, Mandukasna and sukhshma Vyayamas.
Hydrotherapy: This is ayurveda treatment for diabetes – a combination of baths, packs and warm water enema to improve person’s metabolism and control blood sugar level. Hydrotherapy enhances body’s capability to use glucose and the enema helps cleanse toxins from the colon, detoxify the system.
Mud Therapy: Applying mud throughout the body in systematic way by ayurveda practitioner to eliminate toxins and corrects imbalances in the digestive and endocrinal systems which are normally under-active in diabetics.
Please exercise regularly, do not let body gain weight; practice yoga; do not ever sleep during daytime and do not sm
Home remedies for Diabetes
Bitter gourds:
Take 4-5 bitter gourds (Karela), remove the skin and seeds and make paste; extract the juice and drink in empty stomach each morning.
Cut bitter gourds into small pieces, dry them for future purpose. Each day, boil some of these dry pieces and drink twice in the form of tea. This is less bitter, easier to consume and as effective.
Cinnamon Powder:
Keep one litre of water to boil, allow it to simmer on low flame for 20 minutes; add 3 tablespoon of cinnamon powder while the water is simmering; strain the mixture and drink entire amount of the water each day.
Fenugreek seeds:
Soak 4 tablespoon of fenugreek (methi) seeds in 250 ml of water overnight; crush them in the morning, strain the mixture, collect the water and drink it every day for two months – see diabetes saying ‘bye, bye’ from your body.
Roast fenugreek seeds in medium heat for about two minutes, let them cool and powder. Add one teaspoon of this powder in hot or cold water and drink twice a day.
Boil water, add 2 tablespoon of fenugreek seeds, steep for about 10 minutes, strain and consume. This should be done twice each day.
Store water overnight in glass made from pterocarpus (Vijaysar) bark. The water turns brownish. Early next morning, drink the water. You need to replace the glass after about a month when the water stops turning brownish.
In a glass, immerse a piece of pterocarpus wood, store overnight, and drink the next morning. This wooden piece can be used for 2-3 days.
Gymnema (Gurmur):
Boil a handful of dry leaves of gymnema in a glass of water and drink as tea. You can use cardamom to mask the bitterness.
While preparing green tea, add one teaspoon of gymnema leaf powder and drink once or twice a day.
Guduchi (Amrit): Take one guduchi plant, wash and cut the fresh stem into thumb-sized pieces, store in water overnight. Mash the stems next morning and drain out the water. Consume the starchy portion left at the bottom of the vessel.
Turmeric, triphala, shilajit, neem, jamun (Eugenia jambolana), bel (aegle marmelos) are other ingredients that help control diabetes. If not managed, or poorly managed, diabetes can lead to long-term complications like heart attack, strokes, blindness, nerve damage, limb amputation, impotence in men and itching.