Yoga During Pregnancy for physical & emotional health
Pregnancy is a special time of life. Make it special for the baby and your body – cherish your physical and emotional health with yoga during pregnancy. As a new to be mom, you must be curious about your body and eager to provide your baby the best environment inside your abdomen. Have you practiced yoga in the past? If yes, you can continue with it but with proper care because now, your body is more special and needs special attention. And if you have never practised yoga but want to prepare your body for labor and smooth delivery and minimize the pregnancy symptoms like morning sickness and constipation, learn first from an instructor or watch online how to do it.
Set a fixed time of the day to practice. The practice can be 5 minutes to 60 minutes per day. You may practice once a week or every day. Regular practice will make poses comfortable and accessible.
Wear comfortable clothes. Other props are yoga mat, rug, blanket or carpet. Practice in a calm, pleasing and well ventilated environment; whether indoor or outdoor. Hold each pose for 10-60 seconds and take 2-3 minutes break after each asana. Do not force your body for any pose and stop immediately if there is pain or nausea. You must contact your doctor if there is pain or nausea
Benefits of yoga during pregnancy
Yoga prepares our body for labor and smooth delivery by relieving tension around the cervix and birth canal and by opening the pelvis. It also keeps us emotionally sound and balanced while maintaining our physical strength and immunity. Develops stamina and strength to carry the weight of growing abdomen. Yoga strengthens hips, back, arms and shoulders. Pregnancy is critical responsibility both physically and emotionally. Yoga helps us fine tune your balance both physically and emotionally. Regular practice is intended to relieve tension of lower back, hips, chest, upper back, neck and shoulders. It calms the nervous, digestive and other systems of our body and boosts the immune system. We are preparing our body for labor. Researchers say that yoga also decreases the risk of preterm labor, pregnancy-induced hypertension and intrauterine growth restriction (a condition that slows a baby's growth). Allows time to focus on our body and be more attached to the baby. We can experience improvement in our sleep, reduction of stress and anxiety. Proper blood circulation is must for our baby's good health. Breathing practices and yogic poses that are comfortable to our bodies stretch and relax the muscles so as to enhance our immunity and create proper environment for our baby. Maintaining blood pressure and heart rate through conscious breathing rewards us in two ways - making our labor easier and nurturing our baby's growth. Sharing is caring. It is good to see other to be moms practice yoga along with us in group or at least to watch online and practice on our own. Isn't it? Yoga practice time is that time when we are taking care of our own body and providing it appropriate attention. Lets celebrate our pregnancy – the baby will certainly applaud our active lifestyle and jolly nature.
Precautions while doing yoga during pregnancy
Lets not practice through 10th to 14th weeks of pregnancy, these are crucial times. Lets not stretch the abdomen nor other muscles because in this stage our body is critical; the pregnancy hormone softens and relaxes the joints and connective tissues during this period and we have more chances of strains, pulls and other injuries. Lets avoid doing inversion. We should not lie on our back (lying positions should be avoided) after the first trimester because there are chances that blood circulation to the uterus get reduced. Lets use support of wall or chair to do the standing positions when we are in second trimester. This helps us maintain balance. Lets modify each pose to accommodate our physical needs – e.g. we can move our shoulders and back instead of waist in twisting positions. NO to deep twists; twist to the extent it is comfortable for you.
Pose Name | Description | Benefit | How I do it? |
Palm Tree | Imagine you are a palm tree swaying in the wind. | Stretches and strengthens the torso. | Stand uprightRaise your arms overhead and interlock your fingers.Stretch slowly and gently to the right and then the left, imitating the swaying movement of a palm tree. |
Modified Traingle Pose | Position your body in such a way that it forms three triangles | Regulates the digestive system and massages internal organs like the liver | Stretch your left hand overhead and bend down to the right side and touch your knee.Look up at your left hand.Return to starting position and switch sides. |
Modified Forward Bend | Reach forward with your hands, with a chair for support. | Stretches the back and legs | Stand tall in front of a chair.Lift your arms and reach towards the chair; press your palms on the chair.Keep your back straight and bend from your hips. Hold.Return to standing position. |
Seated Twist | Twist to the right and then to the left, to improve the mobility of the spine. | Stretches the spine, improves digestion and relieves constipation. | Sit with your legs stretched out in front of you.Bend your right knee and take the right foot over the left knee.Bring the left arm and elbow over the right knee.Keep your right hand behind you on the floor for support. Twist your torso to the right and turn your head back. Return to starting position and switch sides. |
Cat-camel pose | Imitate a cat and then a camel. Arch your spine like a cat and then lift it up like the hump of a camel. | releases spinal stress | Get down on all fours on your mat.Place your hands directly below your shoulders.Lift your tailbone up towards the ceiling so that your lower back is concave. As you do this your head will lift up naturally towards the ceiling.Round your back like the hump of a camel and roll your head towards your chest. Make the movements as fluid as possible. |
Butterfly Pose | Imitate a butterfly. | Increases mobility of the hip joints and stretches the inner thigh. | Sit with your legs outstretched on the mat.Bend your knees and bring your feet in as close as possible, towards you.Bring the soles of your feet together.Keep your spine straight and gently move your legs down and up, resembling the movement of a butterfly as it flaps its wings. |
Modified Corpse | Relax in order to feel rejuvenated. | Refreshes you emotionally and physically. | Lie on your left side; place a pillow between your legs and below your head for support.Close your eyes and relax your mind.To make the poses more comfortable, use blankets, pillows, cushions and chairs for support if you need them.You can perform seated positions on a folded blanket. If maintaining an erect spine is difficult, lean against a wall for support. |